Socrates' in-depth masterclass Gobby guide

Discussion in 'PVM Guides' started by Socrates, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. Socrates

    Socrates Member

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    I'm well aware Phil has already made a Gobby guide but as I've killed Gobby quite a bit I've gotten a pretty solid and simple method to kill him in any gear including mystic, black dhide, and rune. I made this guide because many people consider Gobby extremely difficult when I would say he is only really moderately difficult.
    To get to Gobby go to Quest Tab > Teleports > Bosses > Gobby is on the 3rd Page.

    Gobby is currently considered one of the hardest bosses ingame. This is due simply to a lack of knowledge on the boss and I'm going to prove Gobby can be killed in any tribrid setup. Do note a Tribrid setup is required for Gobby unless you're trying to get deathcape to instakill. I'll touch on this more later in the guide.

    This is the gear I use and I would say it's what is going to get you close to the most efficient kills. Skip below if you don't have gear quite up to this standard.
    Gear Setup:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I am well aware not everyone has kodai, quickfire, etc so I'm glad to tell you can use literally any tribrid gear so I'm not going to make a gear guide. Just to prove my point I killed Gobby twice in literally gear you can buy in the stores at home and didn't even use gloves. This is the gear I used to solo Gobby. Just make sure you have Ranged, Mage, and Melee in your loadout. Death Cape (e) has a 1/100 chance to instakill any boss though so it does help a lot at Gobby it's by no means required though.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This is the cheapest gear I could find. Really the only part I consider essential is the purple sweets and I recommend saradomin brews just so you don't get stacked out and can heal quicker. Nothing else is essential as long as you have all three combat styles. I recorded myself beating Gobby in this setup just to prove my point.

    Actually fighting Gobby:
    There are three main points to fighting Gobby successfully from order of least to most importance.
    1. Positioning
    2. Prayer
    3. Swapping
    First off for positioning it's not pivotal to stand here but it is going to make sure you generally only get hit by Gobby's mage attacks which will significantly reduce his damage. Stand where I do. GOBBY CAN AND WILL MOVE YOU AWAY FROM THIS SPOT. It's fine just try to stay out of his melee range when he walks backwards, and then move back to this spot when he approaches you. You can stand anywhere around here as long as Gobby cannot melee you.
    Second do not use soulsplit or melee protect let me explain why. Soulsplit is completely useless, I'm sick of people claiming it's the best at Gobby it doesn't do anything. You can't heal at high health and Gobby can max 150s if you're using soulsplit it won't do anything. Melee doesn't hit as high as mage there's just no point. Mage can max 150s whilst melee can only hit around 130 and it is very rare compared to mage.
    USE MAGE DEFLECT OR PROTECT. You can use damage prayers such as turmoil too. If you don't want to mage protect and use melee protect go ahead and get one shot I don't really care. What everyone else says is wrong. Nobody has as much experience with Gobby as me. Use mage deflect or protect.
    Finally to actually hit Gobby you need to be using a specific combat style. To figure out which combat style it is you just have to keep hitting him until you actually do damage. If you're on the wrong combat style he will say "Ahahaha wrong combat style!!" so just keep switching combat styles until he stops saying that and you do damage.

    Also I highly recommend fighting Gobby
    ALONE the extra damage from having multiple people isn't really that significant because you're all going to be confused trying to figure out which combat style to use and also Gobby hits a lot more with multiple people.

    Other things to note:
    It's also worth knowing Gobby has an attack that sort of levitates you in the air and it always does the same damage no matter what. For me it does 66 damage and I'm pretty sure this is the same for everyone. It looks like this. (Sorry the pictures so bad you can see it in the video though.)
    Gobby's mage attacks without prayer have hit me for a maximum of 153 whilst his melee hits can still hit over 100 the odds are considerably lower than with mage attacks. If you're in the spot I showed Gobby can't hit you with melee anyways so you only have to worry about it when you're using melee. Always use mage deflect or protect though.
    I also recommend prayers over curses for higher level ranged/mage prayers Rigour and Augury. Won't make a substantial difference though.

    Kodai Wand 1/600
    Elder Maul 1/600
    Pink Santa hat 1/400
    Blue Santa hat 1/400
    Normal Santa hat 1/400
    Death lotus armor pieces 1/400

    Full Death lotus ^
    Kodai Wand ^

    I took these drop rates from Phil's guide. That's all the rest of the guide is my own knowledge from my Gobby kills.

    I'm aware there is a lot of words in this guide and it's boring to read but this is the best way to make sure you get all the information needed to make Gobby a complete joke of a fight. Hope you find it worth it.

    If you believe there's anything missing do be sure to notify me and I will update the guide as soon as I can. Good luck on drops because you won't need it killing the boss!

    Best of luck,
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  2. Kitkat

    Kitkat Glorified Member Staff Member Owner Forums Developer Veteran Gfx

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    Nice Guide!
  3. Apple Tree

    Apple Tree Maxed xp hardcore mode Demonic Veteran

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    Good information about the boss, and some guide on what to use there i give a 7/10 of this guide so good work Socrates
  4. Kirie

    Kirie Professional Member Veteran

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    Well written guide, very nice!

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