Starting your Adventure

Discussion in 'Other Guides' started by Arceuss, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. Arceuss

    Arceuss New Member

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    1. Ignore the Numbers, font got messed up.
    2. Welcome to my guide for starting on our wonderful server Anarchy, and my name is Arceus! When it comes down to starting on Anarchy the adventure is really on what you want to do, there is no right, or wrong path, but I figured I could give you a few starting places to start at. We'll start of with first introducing a few commands and shortcuts and beginner packages you can get right when you start. Though before that, to get to this point, you had go through a variety of choices and choose your game mode, if you wanna make another account go check this guide out! Alright, let's start off with just basic knowledge of things that will be helping you a lot in the future, so before continuing on, make sure to read this section.
    3. Short Cuts - ( Key binds to do things easier )
    4. CTRL + H - This will send you home without having to type out ::Home
    5. CTRL + T - This will open up the bossing teleports instead of having to go through the interfaces
    6. CTRL + B - If you have a donator rank, this will open the BANK at most places Commands -
    7. ::home - Teleports you home
    8. ::bank - Opens your bank if you have a donator rank
    9. ::skilling - Takes you to the skilling zone
    10. ::ge - Opens the Grand Exchange
    11. :: pos - Opens player owned shops
    12. ::rate or :: perc - Shows your drop rate
    13. ::Gpr - Opens the game point shop
    14. :: party - Takes you to the part room whenever drop parties are happening, whenever they are happening, make sure to attend them, you can make a lot of money and get started even quicker!
    15. ::armor - Opens an armor guide
    16. ::event - Takes you to the current event
    17. ::covid - Gives you a good spirit shield, when done using your 2h weapon, use this with a 1h weapon, or don't :D
    18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After creating your account you will be at our home! Welcome to Anarchy, let's first start by opening the bank right in front of you and depositing all your items, we'll be getting these back out after completing the next following steps. We're first going to run over to the 'Steel Chest' it's an chest you can open up on a daily basis.
    19. [​IMG]
    20. Once you open the Steel Chest, you should be rewarded with the following items (varies)
    21. x 200,000,000 Coins
    22. x 1 Death Touch Dart
    23. x 10 Crystal Keys
    24. Remember, you can claim this chest on a daily basis, so make sure to claim it everyday! You can open the Crystal Keys at the 'Closed Chest' by the bank.
    25. [​IMG]
    26. As you can see, in both pictures above, the golden chest in the top, that's where we are going next! Go ahead and click the chest, you can type a bunch of codes in here, but I'd recommend doing one at a time so you can get as much time as you can with the lent items from this chest. So the one code I will give you to put in this chest is the discord code.
      New codes are released really whenever a youtuber releases a new video! So make sure to check those out!

    27. The code you should enter into the chest is hoiewgda

    28. Once you've put in the code you'll be rewarded by a bunch of items! The first two items you'll be rewarded with is

    29. x1 Noxious Sword (This item is lent to you for 24 hours, and will disappear after the time is up)
    30. x1 Hard Clue Scroll Box (Not sure exactly on the name)

    31. but open this and you'll be rewarded with more items After opening the clue scroll item, you'll further more be rewarded with
    32. x5 Death Touch Darts
    33. x5 Mystery Boxes
    34. x10 Easy Boss Keys
    35. x10 Medium Boss Keys
    36. x10 Dollars
    37. x1 Blood Necklace
    38. x1 Elite Box
    39. ------
    40. With these items, we're just going to go ahead and open the elite box, and the mystery boxes (Since the items are random, won't include in guide) So if it's useful go ahead and use it!
    41. The thing that we want the most though was the x10 Dollars, for most shops in Anarchy if you have the currency in your inventory you can just click it to open the shop interface for the item. Go ahead and click the dollars and buy yourself a donator rank! This will give you access to ::bank, donator shops, and more! If you'd like to check this out yourself, go to the donator information interface! ( Noticeboard > Donator > Donator Panel )
    42. ----
    43. After you've bought your donator rank, go ahead and click the green keys (easy boss keys) in your inventory, we're going to buy a set of Carapace armor
    44. -=-=-=-=-=-=-
    45. Carapace Helm - 2% DMG boost
    46. Carapace Torso - 2% DMG boost
    47. Carapace Legs - 2% DMG boost
    48. Carapace Boots - 2% DMG boost
    49. Carapace Gloves - 2% DMG boost
    50. -=-=-=-=-=-=-
    51. A total of 10% dmg boost just from this gear alone! ---- If you're ever going to need melee, range, or magic supplies, all the shops can be found at home!
    52. [​IMG]
    53. Skilling supplies too!
    54. Once you have geared up, and have food on you (Once you level up a bit you can use overloads too) You can go ahead and head over to ::train We'll be staying here for a little of time! We just want to get our stats to the point where we can use our Noxious Sword that we got earlier from the Golden Chest.
    55. After killing 50 monsters you will be gifted with x50 Weapon boxes, and this can provide a ray gun that is worth 10t! Though very rare, it is there, but a bunch of other useful weapons too! Keep that in mind, this is also a daily, and you can do this on a daily basis!
    56. ---
    57. Once you have acquired the stats to use the Noxious Sword, go ahead and grab some food, before we leave this place, let's run the command ::gpr It'll open an interface with a bunch of options, most of them being self explanatory. The ones we're looking to get is 'Bank Drops' It will cost you 10,000 game points to activate, and it'll automatically pick up your drops for you, and send it to your bank, you can filter certain drops out if you'd like to. You gain game points by basically doing any activity in the game!
      If you have any questions regarding the other options for ::gpr just click it in the interface and it'll explain what it does[​IMG]
    58. You can have many activated at the same time! Some won't work though at the same time ( Inventory Drops + Bank Drops) Once you have activated Bank Drops, and got food in your inventory, and can use your Noxious Sword, and your Carapace armor- go ahead and head over to ::Slash our goal here is to get all his bones, and take them to ::Skilling and use them on the altar to achieve at least 46 prayer, but 99 prayer recommended. Not only that, the longer you stay here, the higher chance you got to get the Slash Pet, which almost all pets in Anarchy give some sort of bonus, most boss pets giving drop rate bonus, and it's a nice bonus to have!
    59. ------
    60. From this point forward, when you have acquired everything previously mentioned, the path splits off, and the what to do is your choice, and I'll give you many options, or you may take your own path and adventure off of this guide!
    61. ------
    62. Firstly, our first goal should be getting a weapon to replace our lent item, once its gone, it's gone! So we need to have a permanent weapon for us to forever have! Not only that, we should just be looking for upgrades! We should go ahead and do Easy Boss Tasks to get more Easy Boss Keys and spend these to buy vanguard armor, and to upgrade from our carapace armor!
    63. ^^ I highly recommend this option.
    64. -=-=-=-=-=-=-
    65. Vanguard Gloves - 100 Extra health, and 5% DMG Boost
    66. Vanguard Boots - 100 Extra health, and 5% DMG Boost
    67. Vanguard Legs - 100 Extra health, and 5% DMG Boost
    68. Vanguard Body - 100 Extra health, and 5% DMG Boost
    69. Vanguard Helm - 100 Extra health, and 5% DMG Boost
    70. Total of 500 Extra health, and 25% DMG Boost
    71. -----------------------------------
    72. That's an upgrade you can go for that will make your life a whole lot easier, and takes barely any time at all! The other option you can do is, you can go ahead and start raids 1, which you can get there by just typing ::raids in You obviously want to do easy mode here, and make sure you have bank drops activated- If you'd like to see what loot you can get from raids, you can examine the chest that will appear once you do ::raids and enter- You can also get vanguard gear from here- Raids is wave after wave of bosses that you have to kill, and the more waves you go through the higher chance of getting a reward from the chest when you loot it. I normally open my chest at 80% chance, or 100% chance if you don't want to risk it at all. Here, we're looking for armor, and weapon upgrades, which there is many here-
    73. ------------------------------------
    74. Another option is to attempt to do ::Raids2 with another person, and how you'd join someone is simple you'd do ::Raids2 (username) The rewards here are significantly better, and if done efficiently is the best place to be at during your time on Anarchy, but personally I'd only recommend on doing these with vanguard upgrade, and with another player, doable solo, just far more difficult. If doing it solo, or even duo, there will be a point where you get the first chest, and open it, go ahead and teleport out and restart the raids, cause waves after the first time you open the chest, which will be much more difficult, chances are you will die. So you want to restart it every time! Now this brings me to my last option-
    75. -----------------------------------
    76. You can simply do Boss tasks, and getting more keys to get more upgrades, and more money, but this path takes the most grind, and takes a lot of time! The difficulty that you choose to do, should really depend on your gear
    77. -----------------------------------
    78. Notable Mentions
    79. Yewnock's Exchanger - This exchanger can be located at home, on the opposite side where the Crystal Keys can be located, whenever an item is used on the Yewnock's Exchanger, it'll exchange the items in for money, at first 100%, then 75%, then any item after will permanently be 50% of the examine price
    80. Example - Scythe of Vitur - First time would be 150b, second time would be, 112b, and the 3rd time you do it, you'd get 75b for the item, and it's universal, so doesn't matter what item you do, it'll affect all items, and will forever be 50% after the 2nd item.

    81. Monthly Aura - You'll get this aura from completing the Summer Quest at ::home (outside of home, and the Summer King is the person you need to talk to), but you have to be legendary rank, which imo should be your next upgrade This aura provides a bunch of benefits, and once completing the quest, you'll be rewarded with a good range weapon too- You have to equip the Aura, then activate it after for it to work!
    82. Death Touch Darts
    83. Death Touch Darts should be used at Nex, during double drop rate, and double drops, remember to wait for when these are activated, and activate your ::gpr too, and have your best pet activated!
    84. The command ::armor
    85. This command will open an armor interface, grading armor from Worst > Best Some of the lower tier gear, you can just simply click in the armor interface and you can buy it with your money! So keep that in mind if you can't find a player to sell you the items you need, I'd recommend buying an Ring of Wealth (e) whenever you have the chance!
    86. Boss Tokens
    87. Once you have acquired enough of Boss Tokens, I'd go ahead and buy the Final Boss Cape, it'll be your best friend for a while, and if you have extra just grab the Anarchy gear!
    88. Daily Raids
    89. Everyday when you do 25 Raids, you will be rewarded with x1 Elite Mystery
    90. Box Competitions / Events
    91. Each competitions and events will offer different loot, personally I'd be on the outlook for ones that offer Groot Sticks as if you get 10 Groot Sticks you can make one of the best weapons in the game, though it degrades to dust after 10 - 15 hours of combat!
    92. -=-=-
    93. This brings us to the end of the guide, and if you want another guide please let me know! From this point forward, you should aim for long term goals, and find things to make the game interesting and to keep you motivated- Comp capes or even the diaries! Just find something to make you keep going! I hope all of you have a fantastic day! Farewell! ~ Arceus
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  2. Arceuss

    Arceuss New Member

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    If you'd like another guide, and a guide on a specific topic, let me know and I'll go ahead and make it :D

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